
Posts Tagged ‘no line’

Ok, this is probably going to be the most poorly written post you could ever imagine.  I’m sitting here in SEVERE pain.  If you know anyone who has severe TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder…that’s a mouthful ha ha…to put it simply, it’s arthritis in your jaw…it’s often worsened by stress, and I’ve got a bucket load right now), then you know what manner of hell I am living in at the moment.  My favorite way to describe it?  Have you ever seen someone blow out their knee like a basketball player?  They writhe on the floor in excruciating pain.  You can’t do that when it’s in your face.  In fact, there ain’t a helluva lot you can do except take narcotics and put some ice on it.  Right now you may be saying to yourself, “Why post then?”  Because this is not my only hell.


Hell #2- Last night, in the middle of writing a post and after several days of research, our laptop went off its nut.  We had a hang up at the mup.sys file, and the only alternative was to reboot from CD.  This meant that I lost my paper outline that’s due Sunday (6 pages of work and all my research to boot…not to mention photos from the last couple of months that I hadn’t saved to our external hard drive or put up online and last semester’s work which I was saving because I had a great paper with the makings of a dissertation).  I’ve been here all morning trying to reconstruct it.  No matter how much you remember from the original, it never comes out the same twice.  I think my first one was far more eloquent, but what do I know?  My face is exploding.


Hell #3- Today, I am officially 3 days late.  However, I’m getting no pretty pink line to confirm a pregnancy (despite using a test that is doctor’s office accurate…picks up Hcg at 20).  I’m in puff baby limbo.  😦  I can’t remember having been more than 1 day late in the last 4 years (true, I don’t remember being late for years before that…but I’ve kept better track these last few years).  Now I don’t know if it’s the Clomid causing it, or if I didn’t implant until late (a forum online had a post about the possibility of implanting 12-14 days post ovulation…this is day 12 for me).  I don’t think the Clomid has caused it because I ovulated at my regular time even with the Clomid.  Also, I have a confession to make (guys, you might want to skip this bit).  I’m a chronic cervix checker (CCC for short), and it’s a bit odd right now (about the same placement as pre-period, but feels more squishy soft…with an accompanying thick white discharge…see I told you to skip it).  I’m officially a nervous wreck.


And just for good measure- I put the car in the garage yesterday.  Will had fixed the water pump and head through a serpentine mix of deals among his shady friends (it ended up costing about  $100 for the water pump and $400 for the head to be replaced).  He had it running, but it had no get-up-and-go and it was hard to turn the wheel.  So when I discovered that my check had dropped yesterday, I put it in the shop.  It’s going to be a relatively simple fix (probably the vacuum line sensor that Will didn’t reattach…why he didn’t just go ahead and reattach it I don’t know…but that’s life with Will).  The labor to drop the engine and check his work is going to cost me.  I hope not too much because that’s my fun-money for Ginger’s visit!  😦


I have to go now.  I’m looking into buying a guillotine or an iceberg.  Try not to do much until I can get back.  In the meantime, can anybody give me a clue about the clomid/baby/cervix thing?  I’ll take any info I can get.  Do you know what your cervix feels like when first knocked up?  Know anybody with a similar Clomid experience?  I’ll take anything, good or bad.

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