
Archive for October 22nd, 2008


Today, I got to Ken’s place a little late.  The car had started making a suspicious noise just as I pulled up his street, but since he’s a mechanic, I went ahead and pulled in.  Ken was waiting at the door nervously.  I came in and sat down and we talked like two old friends for about 4 or 5 hours.  It was all very free, easy, and un-pressured.  Dammit all! 


I was doing my best “hey baby, why you all over there” smile.  He was smiling back and fidgeting, but nada.  Finally, as I was leaving I said, “I can’t believe you haven’t even tried anything; it’s very hard on a girl’s ego.”  He laughed and reminded me that I had told him something about “keeping our hands to ourselves”.  Ahhh…I did indeed tell him that.  The other day we had been on the phone and getting a little…errr…free (it wasn’t really naughty talk but it could have gone there fast).  I realized the next day that he might be thinking I was a bit loose, and I told him that I was going to come to his place for a VISIT…not a DELIVERY.  Of course, I forgot that soldiers are very good at taking orders!  Arrrggghhh!!!!!  All was forgiven a few minutes after I’d left his place when a text message came through with just a few words, “missing you already.”  When I talked to him tonight, I told him that it was all well and good, but that I’d be sure and write him up some proper “orders” next time.  lol 


Unfortunately, my day went downhill after that.  I managed to make it to the car dealership only to be told that my beloved Breeze has finally popped its transmission.  😦  Fortunately, I have just enough cash to probably pull off a new transmission.  So, it’s going to be a week of catching rides and hoping, but I’m just going to be crossing my fingers and trying to make it work.  But, it does put a dampener on my running about for a few days.  Then again, car trouble has provided me with many posts!  And, maybe I can even catch up with ya’ll!  🙂


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