
Archive for September 11th, 2008



I think I’ve done this meme before, but hey, you can never be too quirky!  🙂  And how could I refuse Kat?  I couldn’t!


Here are the rules:
1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Mention the rules on your blog.
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them.
5. Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged.



1)    As if it wasn’t obvious with this post, I watch only 2 types of tv when left to my own devices: informative (BBC News, History Channel, etc.) and crap (have you seen The Dish on Style network?…that Topanga girl is funny!).  Last night was a little bit of both.  I watched the Natural History of the Chicken.  I had no idea that chicken diapers existed.  And, Liza, the forlorn infertile hen, broke my heart when she finally succeeded.  To quote Liza’s owner, “Life as it should be.” 

2)    I was single so long that I actually considered joining a cult to have a husband and kids.  Luckily, cults usually don’t do housecalls on Saturday nights.  Even they have something better to do.

3)    I have never gotten a traffic ticket (knock wood)…not even in the 5 yrs I drove without a license or after backing into an Army ass (he was trying to beat me out of the parking lot…it was his 6th…count it SIXTH…accident that year…did I mention that he was over M.?  fun I tell ya).

4)    I ONLY write in cursive and I HATE it when forms require me to print.  However, since I learned cursive from a book written in the 1950’s most people my age cannot read my handwriting.  Old people love it though. 

5)    I have 3 often repeated and wildly different fantasy lovers: a sweaty, evil mustached guerilla soldier, a fabulously wealthy Arabian sheik, and nice normal fella that can roof.  TMI?  Lol

6)    I don’t have creepy dreams often (usually it’s screwball comedy all the way…last night I was painting SexyDoctor’s office when a burlesque troop showed up), but when I do it’s a lulu!  The other night a black cloaked figure with gauntlet gloves and a black face mask moved aside and in the sand he had inscribed over and over “N I E”.  Does anyone know what that means???  It’s driving me nuts!




And who got tagged?   Apathetic Bliss, Ron, Rambling Housewife, VinoMom, KMommy, and Gigi (Ginger is too busy 😦  ).  And if you don’t want to do it or have done it before, then…oh heck…just link to other people anyhow!  It’s fun and it sometimes confuses them!


As a reward, tomorrow is bustier picture day!  Finally!  I know I’ve promised this before, but I loaded the pics today.  So, no more excuses!

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